Wright-Patterson AFB Homes For Sale and Rent Wright-Patterson Air Force Base

Find homes for sale near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and homes for rent near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Wright-Patterson AFB, OH. You will find listings for sale by owner as well as by real estate agents. If you are selling or renting a home near Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, be sure to post your listing HERE.

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Wright-Patterson AFB Homes For Sale and Rent Wright-Patterson AFB (WPAFB) is located less than one mile from the city of Fairborn, Ohio, in Greene and Montgomery Counties and located six miles northeast of Dayton. 

Wright-Patterson AFB is the birthplace, home, and future of aerospace and is one of the largest and most important bases in the United States Air Force.  (Source: militaryinstallations.dod.mil)
Official Website
The official website for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
Base Address:
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
4185 Logistics Avenue
Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
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